Sunday, December 14, 2008

Frosty the Snowman

The quality of this footage isn't the greatest, but it's still worth sharing. Olivia's recorder version of Frosty is precious, and Hudson playing the guitar is hilarious! He's such a 'straight man' and does that role well. This reminds me of the quirky trio that plays on SNL sometimes. Enjoy! (oh, yeah, turn down the volume on my playlist first; it's at the bottom of the blog)


Angie Tyner said...

Hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing! So sweet. I guess "Recorder Thursdays" has paid off. She's pretty good!

The Hills said...

Your children our so talented and creative!

Judi Harvey said...

Amy, in 20 years this will be a classic! The kids will crack up watching themselves!