Friday, April 24, 2009

Sacrifical Rabbit

Yesterday morning, there was a rabbit in our front yard that Hudson spied out of his bathroom window while brushing his teeth. He yelled for me to come see it, and we talked a little about the rabbit -- it's size (it was fat!!), what it was doing etc. Always looking for teaching moments! The rabbit and Hudson made eye contact, and I think had a little mental telepathy-thing going on. Hudson was fascinated!

A few minutes later when we were getting in the van to go to school, he told me he wanted to go see the bunny. It was still there, but it hopped away as Hudson hopped toward it. He got in the van, and the following conversation took place ...

H: Mom, I think you need to discuss (big word!) with daddy us getting a bunny.
Me: Really?
H: Yes. I think we need one to keep at our house.
Me: Okay, but I don't think daddy is going to like that idea.
(we're now at the front of our subdivision where we can see a rabbit in a hutch at the house across the road)
H: I can see their bunny in its house!
Me: Yep, it's a bunny kind of day.
H: Of course, if we got a bunny, we'd have to SACRIFICE it.
Me: (not really believing what I just heard) What? Sacrifice it?
H: Yeah, you know, kill it.
Me: I know what it means, but why would you want to do that to a rabbit?
H: 'Cause that's what you do to rabbits ... you sacrifice them.
Me: What ever gave you that idea?
H: That song that daddy sings.
My mind is racing at this moment trying to put the pieces to this puzzle together. Going out on a limb I say ...
Me: Is it this song, (doing my best Elmer Fudd)"Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit ..."?
H: Yes! That's the song!

I was laughing so hard and still get cracked up when I think of this!


Ami said...

Too funny! That kid is too smart for his own good. ;-) Tell him it's okay, we're hunting wobberts, not wabbits.

Judi Harvey said...

Oh my! That is just too funny! But then you should hear Jerry sing Bohemian Rapsody in Elmer Fudd!