Saturday, October 11, 2008

SoKno Gets the Shaft

I like South Knoxville. I have no problem living here. But, I do have a problem. It's so unfortunate that retailers don't realize that people actually live here and need to buy things. Real things. Not just things that will do or that are second best. Why, for example, do we have 3 Sonics within a 10-mile stretch of Chapmay Highway, BUT we have to drive 20 minutes to a Target? I love Sonic, but that just doesn't make sense. Anyway . . .

This soap box got a little higher today.

Olivia had a birthday party to attend in way-west Knoxville, so I decide to spend that time grocery shopping. I dropped her off then I found a new Kroger just a few minutes from party central. Granted, this is a newer part of town and I know there's going to be bigger and better stuff out there, but OH MY GOODNESS!! I walked in, and this place was a foodie's theme park. There was the usual Starbucks (I'm used to this; everyone has a SB except SoKno grocery stores), but also a real-live jewlery store and a FURNITURE department. Furniture! At Kroger! Don't get me started about the 'normal' food areas -- there was produce I have never ever seen before. Sea beans (see picture)? Miniature African pineapple? What do people do with these things?

I only got through about a third of the square footage before my hour of limited time was up. I can't even tell you what else was there. I'm going to have to plan a day when Hudson is in school to go back and hit the other two thirds. Who knows. I might bring home a couch!


Bridgette said...

I totally agree. I live in West Knoxville but I taught at South-Doyle for over 4 years. Not only were we only ever a lead story on the nightly news when it was a bad story, but when our baseball team was #2 in the state they didn't get half the news coverage they deserved. The people in South Knox are awesome and they really do "get the shaft" more often than not.

vreagan said...

Ditto that!!