Thursday, June 25, 2009

Through Their Eyes ...

Two funnies from this week ... all because they see it like it is!

One from Hudson ...

Olivia went to softball camp at UT Monday - Wednesday. Hudson stayed with Nana on Monday and had this little conversation:

N: "I sure hope Olivia is having fun playing ball today."
H: "She's not playing ball; she's gone to COLLEGE to go CAMPIN'."

One from Olivia ...

A car passed us that had some sort of business advertised on it. Pretty sure it was with magnets, but it could have been those large cling things. Anyway, here's what she said (and she rambled just as I've typed it; and, yes, I had a difficult time responding with a straight face!):

O: "Mom, there's something I just don't get. You know sometimes when we're at South-Doyle High School for like basketball or something? Well, there are these cars there ... and I know it's a really big deal when you learn how to drive and that you're all about letting people know 'HEY, I'M DRIVING NOW' but I don't understand why kids would want to junk-up their cars by putting these HUGE stickers all over them that say "STUDENT DRIVER". I mean, wouldn't just one small one be enough, and do you really want people to know that you're still not a really good driver yet?"


Tonya said...

Hilarious statement by O!!! (and H!!)

Bridgette said...

That is great (the student driver stickers)!