Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chocolate Gravy

I am not kidding you -- this is the most crazy-wonderful thing you'll eat for breakfast, EVER! The mother of a friend of mine, Cindy McDougal (now Reeder), would fix this for us when I would spend the night. We'd put it on biscuits or pancakes . . . oh, it was so good. I had forgotten about it until discussing "growing up in middle Tenn." with a friend from church last fall while on a Sunday School camping trip. I actually left the camp site, drove home to get the ingredients, and then made it as part of our big breakfast the next morning. Most everyone thought we had lost our minds until they tasted it. Needless to say, it was prepared at this year's camping trip as well -- it's a tradition now!

Chocolate Gravy

1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 heaping tablespoon flour
1 heaping tablespoon cocoa
1 1/2 cups milk

Melt butter and sugar in a small sauce pan until sugar dissolves. Add flour and cocoa, and stir will. Add milk, and stir over medium heat until smooth and thick. Serve with whatever makes you happy!

Makes about 2 cups.


Kristy said...

Another "Middle Tennessee Girl" here. My mom made this for us growing up, as had her mother for her. She called it "Chocolate and Biscuits" and always made it really thin - like soup. We would crumble up the biscuits into the bowl, like crackers. One time, we were visiting my aunt, Mom's twin, and she made "Chocolate and Biscuits" for us. Hers was really thick like gravy and she ladled it on the biscuits. When I mentioned the difference to my aunt, and later to Mom, both were perplexed. They each insisted their version was how their mother made it!

Unknown said...

I'm totally trying this...probably tomorrow! :)